The Ohio National Guard has expressed that they removed a Guardsman from their forces a few months after being informed of his arrest due to accusations of making firearms untraceable and threatening to commit a mass shooting.

Thomas Develin, a Corporal in the Ohio Army National Guard, was apprehended in June 2022 with three counts related to his effort to construct “ghost guns” using 3D printers. Additionally, he was charged with local accusations of threats against a Jewish educational institution in the state.

At the [time of his arrest], a spokesperson informed that Develin would not be subject to discipline or discharged from the military until the criminal case was completed—subsequently, Capt. Jenna Walton, a spokeswoman for a unit in the state’s Guard, confirmed to on Friday that Develin had been separated from the Guard in August 2022.

In a message, Walton indicated that Develin, previously attached to the 2nd Battalion, 174th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, was discharged from the Ohio Army National Guard on Aug. 3, 2022, with a general discharge.

In August, Develin was charged with certain offenses, and two months later, he pleaded guilty as part of a plea agreement with the government.

The Ohio Guard has reversed its position on Develin’s service, taking a more direct approach than many other Guard units have adopted when confronting personnel accused of extremist behavior.

No military rule necessitates penalizing service members after civilian court proceedings are finished. However, in the armed forces, personnel are often and hastily let go for activities such as consuming marijuana, which is disallowed throughout the military, regardless of the number of states where recreational use is allowed.

Abram Markofski, who was a part of Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 128th Infantry Regiment, a National Guard unit located in River Falls, Wisconsin, was held for almost two years after the legal action taken against him for his involvement in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Markofski was given probation and fined for a count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds after pleading guilty to the charges. Despite this, he still received a salary and continued to train with his unit.

Then, in April 2022, Markofski was set to be taken out of the military after being involved in the rioting on Jan. 6. He was still being paid while the process was in motion.

Markofski is not the only one affected by the Jan. 6 incident. Cpl. Jacob Fracker, an infantryman of the Virginia National Guard’s 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 29th Infantry Division, pleaded guilty in March 2022 to a federal conspiracy charge. Despite this, he was allowed to continue to serve in a restricted capacity until his case was finished, and the government decided to remove him from service in April 2022.

In an official legal document, Develin declared that his extreme behavior resulted from his depression and feeling of insignificance after his return from his tour of duty in Afghanistan.

Ghost Guns

Making untraceable guns is a growing trend in the United States, as more and more people are looking to build their firearms without going through traditional channels. This type of gun is often referred to as a “ghost gun” because it does not have any serial numbers or other identifying marks that would allow it to be traced back to its original owner. Ghost guns can be made with relative ease and relatively cheap, making them attractive to those who want to bypass the usual regulations and background checks associated with purchasing a firearm.

The process of making an untraceable gun typically involves buying pre-made parts and assembling them into a functioning weapon at home. One popular method is using a 3D printer, which allows users to create their own parts from plastic or metal. Another option is using a device called the Ghost Gunner, which automates much of the assembly process and makes it easier for someone with limited technical knowledge to make their gun.

Ghost guns are becoming increasingly prevalent in the United States due to their ease of manufacture and lack of regulation. While they may be attractive to some individuals who wish to avoid the usual regulations associated with purchasing firearms, they also pose severe risks regarding public safety. Because these weapons do not have any serial numbers or other identifying marks, they cannot be traced back if used in a crime or recovered by law enforcement. In addition, ghost guns are often made from unregulated parts that may not meet safety standards set by federal agencies such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Ghost guns are still subject to a variety of federal, state, and local laws. At the federal level, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has recently issued several rules requiring individuals who make or own ghost guns to register the weapons with their agency. Additionally, some states have passed laws that require all firearms sold within their borders—including ghost guns—to include certain safety features such as trigger locks or magazine disconnects.

At the local level, many jurisdictions have enacted ordinances prohibiting manufacturing, selling, and possessing untraceable firearms. In addition, these ordinances typically impose more stringent regulations on ghost guns than state and federal laws. For example, many localities require individuals to obtain special permits to possess these weapons or mandate that they be stored in a secure location away from young children or unauthorized users.