Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) have become integral components of modern military arsenals, offering enhanced operational capabilities and reduced human risk.

Among the latest advancements in this field is Havelsan’s Barkan 2 UGV, which achieved a groundbreaking milestone not too long ago by successfully test-firing loitering munitions.

Let’s zoom in and examine the key features and capabilities of Turkey’s latest technological milestone, shedding light on its significance in the context of contemporary military technology.

Overview of Barkan 2

Havelsan’s Barkan 2 UGV represents a step forward in unmanned military technology, showcasing a range of capabilities that contribute to its versatility and operational effectiveness.

Its initial demonstration – which occurred some months ago, where the UGV test-fired reconnaissance, surveillance, and kamikaze munitions – underscores its advanced capabilities.

Technical Specifications

According to reports, the Barkan 2 UGV is a formidable platform, weighing 900 kilograms (1,984 pounds) – almost twice as much as its predecessor.

With a top speed of 13 kilometers (8 miles) per hour, the vehicle is designed to operate both autonomously and via remote control, ensuring optimal operational success while minimizing human risk.

The loitering munitions fired during the test exhibited an impressive range, reaching up to 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) at an altitude of 3,000 meters (9,842 feet).

Notably, the flight time of 40 minutes showcases the UGV’s endurance and capacity for sustained operations, adding a layer of strategic advantage.

Missile Firing Capability

In an earlier version of the Barkan 2, the UGV demonstrated its ability to fire guided missiles, further diversifying its offensive capabilities.

This feature enhances adaptability in different operational scenarios, allowing for precise and targeted strikes.

The integration of missile firing capabilities underscores the platform’s flexibility and potential for a wide range of military applications.

Modular Design and Payloads

One of the standout features of the Barkan 2 is its modular design, accommodating various payloads to meet the demands of diverse missions.

The UGV is equipped with a pair of launchers connected to a single tower – one laser-guided and the other a munition launcher capable of multiple simultaneous launches—a design that facilitates a dynamic response to changing operational requirements.

Havelsan autonomous UGV
(Image source: Havelsan)

The modular payload options include a 7.62 mm gun, a 40mm grenade launcher, and sub-systems for specialized missions such as bomb disposal, day/night surveillance and reconnaissance, chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) task handling, load carrying/towing, rescue missions, and 3D mapping.

This adaptability positions the Barkan 2 as a versatile and multifunctional asset within the military’s toolkit.

Operational Autonomy

The Barkan 2 is engineered to operate autonomously and through remote control, a critical feature in enhancing operational success and reducing costs.

The UGV’s autonomous capabilities enable it to navigate complex terrains and execute missions with precision, reducing the need for constant human intervention.

This autonomy increases the efficiency of military operations and minimizes the risk to human personnel in high-risk scenarios.

Deployment in the Turkish Armed Forces

Reports indicate that the Barkan 2 UGV has been successfully inducted into the Turkish armed forces and is deployment-ready, marking a significant milestone in integrating advanced unmanned systems into a military’s operational framework.

The Turkish UGV was previously featured at the 16th International Defense Industry Fair IDEF 2023 last July and has since showcased exemplifying advancements in uncrewed vehicle solutions.

Veysel Ataoglu, Havelsan’s product development and production designer, highlighted Barkan’s evolution from extensive field tests, resulting in enhanced mobility and expanded capabilities – including the ability to carry heavy-class weapons.

Today, the deployment of Barkan 2 reflects the military’s confidence in its capabilities and potential to enhance the effectiveness of various missions.

Meanwhile, during the July event, Ataoglu has also extended some insights into another product, Baha, emphasizing autonomy and responsiveness, and Havelsan’s ongoing efforts to integrate unmanned products from various companies, showcasing their commitment to technological innovation.

Future Prospects and Swarm Operations

Havelsan’s vision for the Barkan 2 extends beyond its individual capabilities.

Integrating these UGVs into mixed swarm operations centers (KSOM) reflects a forward-looking approach to military strategy.

The concept of using circulating ammunition as a swarm, as explained by Ataoglu, hints at the evolving nature of military operations, which aligns with the broader trend of incorporating intelligent robotics and autonomous systems into the military landscape.


Havelsan’s Barkan 2 UGV represents a milestone in the evolution of unmanned military technology.

Its ability to launch loitering munitions and a diverse range of modular payloads and autonomous operation positions it as a versatile asset for modern armed forces.

The successful deployment in the Turkish military underscores its readiness for real-world applications.

As technology continues to advance, the Barkan 2 exemplifies the ongoing transformation of military capabilities, where unmanned systems play a pivotal role in shaping the future of warfare.