The United States and China have reached an agreement on a new U.N. Security Council draft resolution aimed at punishing North Korea in the wake of its recent nuclear test and for violating previous resolutions, a Security Council diplomat told CNN on Wednesday.

The resolution is going to be described as the toughest yet on Pyongyang.

The text of the draft is not yet available but the document will likely be voted in by the full Security Council “in a couple of days,” once other nations have an opportunity to weigh in on the language, according to the diplomat.

“There were a significant number of blockage points between the (United States and China) … but there is an agreement between those two countries,” the diplomat said.

In January, Pyongyang claimed to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb in its fourth nuclear test.

U.S. officials were initially skeptical of the claim, but later assessed that there may have been a partial, failed test of some type of components associated with a hydrogen bomb.

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