Juba, South Sudan — The United States proposed to impose an international arms embargo on South Sudan if there is no positive development in the implementation of the peace agreement. The proposal was made during a joint meeting for the UN Security Council and the African Union Peace and Security Council held in Addis Ababa on 8 September 2017.

The meeting, which discussed different conflicts including Somalia, South Sudan, and central Africa countries, was briefed by UN special envoy to the AU, Haile Menkerios, about the poor implementation of the peace agreement and underlined that the 2018 elections can only be held if the security situation is stable.

Menkerios who was the former UN envoy for Sudan and South Sudan also said the dialogue process launched by President Salva Kiir is not a substitute to the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (ARCRSS) of August 2015.

For his part, the U.S. diplomat who represented his country at the meeting said the ARCRSS should be fully implemented before to hold general elections in South Sudan.


Read the whole story from the SudanTribune

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