Ukraine is now looking into acquiring the Indian co-developed surface-to-air missile (SAM) system to protect and counter the Russian missile rain phase that has been overwhelming the former’s air defense (AD) systems in recent weeks.

Since last week, the current Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU)-operated AD platforms, including the Soviet-era Buk and S-300, have struggled to keep up with Russian bombardment. Not to mention how these missile raids are dangerously depleting Ukraine’s limited AD projectiles.

The air defense of Ukraine has been a weakness since the beginning of the invasion, especially after the aggressor shut down most of its defense manufacturing industry earlier in the war. This led Kyiv to rely solely on foreign weapons, ammunition, and missiles from the US and its Western allies. Compare this to Russia, which despite losing several of its military hardware and ammo depots, has the capacity to continue producing more through its advanced defense industry.

Kyiv has long been requesting for the Indo-Israeli jointly developed Barak-8 along with another Israeli-built AD system, the revered Iron Dome. The Barak-8, also called the Medium Range SAM System (MR-SAM), was a collaborative effort between the Israeli Aerospace Industries (IMI) and India’s Defense Research Development Organization (DRDO) for the latter’s armed forces. This MR-SAM can destroy jets, missiles, helicopters, and drones within a 70 km range and has the capability to simultaneously receive and process updates on the position and flight trajectory of the target and automatically adjust according to the information gathered that would best intercept and destroy its mark.