Putin’s myopic war reminds me culturally of what happened with the US in Vietnam. America is slowly painting itself into a corner after fighting a losing war for years. It was over before the first act finished. Likewise, Russia’s war in Ukraine will end badly for everyone.

Russia’s unmotivated fighting force includes poorly trained civilians and prison conscripts. Putin has showcased just how bad and outdated Russian Defense technology is. Hell, they are buying drones from Iran! The last time I checked, Iran wasn’t exactly leading the World with their weapons technology.

Very telling…

Putin highly miscalculated the global reaction to the invasion of Ukraine, and he underestimated the fighting spirit of free Ukraine.

All the failing elements of America in Vietnam are present for Putin.

Aside from Boomer-aged Russians, most young Russians I’ve met under 40 don’t want anything to do with the war in Ukraine. They certainly don’t want to fight a war without a clear purpose aside from stroking Putin’s ego.

Russia is up against a highly motivated fighting force, a charismatic leader in Zelensky; they have most of the Free World’s backing and are now better armed than Russia.

So what happens next?