The US’s new ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, on Tuesday slammed Iran for testing a long-range ballistic missile on Sunday, calling the act unacceptable and a violation of Iran’s nuclear accord with world powers.

“I will tell the people across the world that is something you should be alarmed about,” Haley told reporters after the UN Security Council’s consultations on Iran.

“The United States is not naive,” she added. “We are not going to stand by. You will see us call them out, as we said we would, and you are also going to see us act accordingly.”

According to Behnam Ben Taleblu, an expert on Iran’s missile program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Iran’s latest missile test “definitely violates the spirit, if not the letter” of the UN resolution on Iran’s nuclear program.

The UN attempt to curb Iran’s nuclear program forbids Iran from developing nuclear warheads and buying or transferring missile technology from foreign countries. But “the missile-testing language has been watered down,” and now Iran has a clear path toward developing nuclear-capable missiles, Taleblu said in an interview with Business Insider.


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