Private military companies (PMCs) are not something new in the modern world full of local conflicts and unstable regions. PMCs are usually considered as a commercial enterprise offering specialized services for the safeguarding or protection of any objects, as well as for demining, training, maintenance, elicitation, strategic planning, logistics and consulting. Private military companies are most often used where the task is beyond the power of civilian security companies, but for whatever reasons, it is impossible or impractical to involve a regular army.

A state is the client of a PMC thus it bears responsibility for the illegal actions of private military companies if the latter acted according to its provisions, instructions or if the client state exercised effective control over it. Moreover, a receiving State is responsible for the activities of PMCs on its territory. It should monitor, within its jurisdiction, the observance of human rights by the staff of PMCs and, in the event of their violation, ensure effective investigation and punishment. Whereas, the state of the PMC`s registration place is obliged to exercise general control over the activities of PMCs, as well as over the issues related to licensing and training…

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