The United States Air Force has sent six fighter aircraft to an airbase in Israel for a limited period of time.

On Monday, the United States Air Force sent six fighter jets to an Israeli Air Force base located in the south of Israel, intending to disperse its aircraft amongst numerous airbases as a strategy.

Located in the Middle East, Israel is a close ally of the United States and provides several strategic benefits in case of a potential conflict with Iran. The Israeli Air Force would be a critical asset for the US Air Force due to its proximity to the country and its advanced counter-terror and anti-missile capabilities. The Israeli Air Force has modern long-range offensive aircraft that could be used for airstrikes against Iranian targets outside of international airspace and air defense systems that would protect US forces from retaliatory strikes from Iran. 

In addition, military cooperation between the two countries allows for rapid force deployment and coordination. This makes it possible for the US Air Force to utilize Israel’s many airfields located much closer to Iran than bases on American soil. Ultimately, using Israeli airspace and military resources would significantly increase the US’s chances of success in any conflict with Iran.

F-15C Eagle
F-15C Eagle (Source: Steve Lyne/Wikimedia Commons)

The IAF reported that during their stay at the Nevatim Airbase, the six F-15s would partake in exercises together with Israel’s F-35s, which are invisible to radar, and a squadron of Gulfstream G550 aircraft, which are used for intelligence gathering.

The Indian Air Force announced that the exercises scheduled for this week will simulate offensive operations in the enemy’s territory.

The US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) is executing a strategy known as “agile combat employment,” in which aircraft are situated in forward operating stations in friendly countries across the world instead of the usual main foreign bases of the United States.

The concept aims to both hinder adversary forces from harming the US Air Force and to make it possible to quickly respond to situations, as stated by American defense personnel.

It was still being determined how long the jets belonging to AFCENT would remain at Nevatim.

During November, the armed forces of Israel and the United States conducted a series of drills together in the air, which simulated attacks against Iran and any affiliated terrorist groups in the surrounding area.

Later that month, Aviv Kohavi, the chief of the IDF, announced that the cooperation between the IDF and the American military forces in the Middle East would be substantially increased.

Israel has been urging the US to create armed forces strategies to keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

Joe Biden
(Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons)

Jerusalem is against the actions taken by US President Joe Biden to bring back the nuclear deal between Tehran and global forces, in which economic sanctions were exchanged for restrictions on Iran’s nuclear development.

However, lately, the nuclear negotiations have stalled, and the US has decided to concentrate its efforts on quelling the current demonstrations that are taking place against the government in Iran.

Biden has declared that he is willing to employ military strength if needed but prefers to take the diplomatic approach before any other option.

As Iran’s potential return to the accord is becoming more unsure, the Israel Defense Forces have been intensifying their efforts to formulate a reliable military threat against Iran’s nuclear facilities in the last two years.

Despite Iran’s persistent assertion that its nuclear program is intended for peaceful purposes, specialists in non-proliferation have cautioned that Tehran has built up a stockpile of uranium enriched to 60 percent, which is sufficient to fabricate fuel for at least one nuclear weapon.

Israeli authorities have cautioned against Iranian-sponsored forces in the area, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and other organizations in Syria.