At a recent Center for Strategic and International Studies conference, US Air Force General and Chief of Staff David L. Goldfein laid out how the US would use F-35s to fight against high-end threats like China’s J-31 or J-20 — and he made it clear that the F-35 could dominate.

At the conference where Goldfein touched on everything from space assets, to nuclear deterrence, to budgeting, a reporter from a Hong Kong publication and a reporter from a Japanese publication both asked questions about the F-35’s role in the Pacific, where China has increasingly wielded its military might.

Asked specifically how the F-35 stacks up to China’s J-31, Goldfein balked.

“I hope over time we can actually evolve our discussion from platform vs. platform … to a network vs. network,” said Goldfein, who denied that a single Chinese jet would ever face off against a single US jet.


Read the whole story from Business Insider.

Featured image courtesy of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.