After a tough year in 2023, when the US Air Force (USAF) fell 10 percent short of its recruiting goals, the service has made a significant comeback.

Thanks to a mix of new policies, updated standards, and a renewed focus on attracting talent, the service branch hit its 2024 recruiting targets and is now setting its sights on an even bigger goal for 2025.

But this wasn’t a quick fix—it took a lot of adjustments and strategic moves to turn things around.

So, how did the Air Force go from missing its goals in 2023 to setting an ambitious target of 32,500 new recruits for 2025? Let’s break it down.

From a Slump to a Surge

Like the rest of the American service branches, the USAF faced a real challenge in 2023 when it came to recruiting the new generation of forces.

It was the first time since 1999 that the service didn’t meet its recruiting goals, and the gap was about 10 percent.

The reasons for this slump weren’t exactly surprising—lingering effects from the COVID-19 pandemic, higher-than-expected employment rates, and the pull of the private sector all made it harder to convince people to join the military.

But the Air Force didn’t sit back and accept defeat.