A damning new report has exposed a gaping hole in the US military’s readiness to confront its most formidable adversaries, China and Russia.

According to a recent Commission on the National Defense Strategy (NDS) report, the Army, the backbone of our ground forces, is dangerously understaffed.

“The United States faces the most challenging global environment with the most severe ramifications since the end of the Cold War,” the report noted. “The trends are getting worse, not better.”

Screenshot from the 1981 movie “Stripes,” but our current shortage of recruits is no laughing matter.

With active-duty personnel numbers at their lowest point since World War II, the Army is struggling to maintain a presence on multiple fronts.

Recognizing the limitations of a solely military approach, the report emphasizes the need for a comprehensive NDS.

“DoD cannot, and should not, provide for the national defense by itself,” the report read.

The concept of “integrated deterrence,” while outlined in the current NDS, remains largely unrealized.

To counter modern threats effectively, a collaborative effort involving the DoD, other government agencies, the private sector, civil society, and international partners is essential. By pooling resources, sharing intelligence, and coordinating actions, the nation can bolster its overall security posture.