Just after North Korea carried out a missile test and a high-profile assassination of Kim Jong Un’s half-brother in Malyasia, the Wall Street Journal reported that the US was considering direct military action against the Kim regime.

US President Donald Trump has apparently honed in on North Korea as his most serious external challenge, and has reportedly declared them the single greatest threat to the United States. In January, Trump tweeted that North Korean missile hitting the US, as they’ve often threatened, “won’t happen!”

But in reality, taking out North Korea’s nuclear capabilities, or decapitating the Kim regime, would pose serious risks to even the US military’s best platforms.

Business Insider spoke with Stratfor‘s Sim Tack, a senior analyst and an expert on North Korea, to determine exactly how the US could potentially carry out a crippling strike against the Hermit Kingdom.


Read the whole story from Business Insider.

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