After weeks of halted operations, The Pentagon announces resumptions of recon missions in Niger.

In a strategic move aimed at safeguarding its personnel and interests, the United States has recently rekindled its intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions in Niger.

These flights, aimed at monitoring potential threats and ensuring force protection for American troops stationed in the region, mark a significant development in the complex relationship between the US and Niger. This development comes in the wake of a coup that ousted Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum in late July, prompting a temporary halt in such operations.

Resumption of ISR Missions

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh confirmed the resumption of ISR flights over Niger during a recent briefing at the Pentagon.

“We can confirm that the US forces in Niger commenced ISR flight ops to monitor for threats and for force protection,” said Singh.

She also emphasized the United States’ commitment to safeguarding its forces and personnel, explaining that these operations were vital for force protection.

In July, the Pentagon suspended its counterterrorism operations and security force assistance training in Niger following the coup that unseated Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum.