A U.S. consular officer in Mexico was shot in his car Friday evening, and the FBI is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the identification of the shooting suspect.

Surveillance video released by the Consulate General in Guadalajara showed a man in a purple shirt, dark pants and white shoes waiting near a garage Friday evening as a black vehicle pulled up to the exit gate.

In the video, the man in the purple shirt points a gun at the driver and fires once, then runs away. The car lurches forward, then stops, as several people begin rushing toward the driver.

The consulate also released other videos, both time-stamped about 6:15 p.m. Friday. One showed the man in the purple shirt in greater detail — and wearing dark sunglasses — as he ran behind a truck.

In another, a thinner man in red shorts and a gray tank top is shown at a garage parking payment machine. As he walks away, the man in the purple shirt follows.



Read the whole story from The Washington Post.