Retired Army Brig. Gen. John “Doc” Bahnsen, Jr. isn’t shy about his love for America or his willingness to fight for her.

“We’ve got a great country — the greatest country on earth. And some things are worth fighting for,” the decorated 81-year-old Vietnam war veteran told “If our country’s in danger, then I think we fight. And then, by God, I’ll join the fight. And I think I should go to the front of the line, too.”

Bahnsen’s “lead from the front” philosophy served him well during his two combat tours in Vietnam.

“You have to set the example on a daily basis and take the action necessary to kill the enemy,” Bahnsen said. “You don’t have to be the leader every time. But, by golly, be prepared to join the front.”

Half a century after his service in Vietnam, Bahnsen continues to receive honors, including this year’s Distinguished Graduate Award from West Point. But rather than just look back on his own celebrated military career, the retired brigadier general likes to pay it forward.

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