1st Lt. Christian F. Schilt was awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions during an insurrection at Quilali, Nicaragua in January 1928. Schilt volunteered under extremely dangerous conditions to evacuate wounded by air and transport a relief commanding officer to assume charge of the situation.

Under hostile infantry fire, Schilt took off a total of 10 times evacuating casualties and bringing supplies to others in desperate need. His actions resulted in three lives being saved.”  – U.S. Marine Corps video by Cpl. Cody Lemons

“General Christian F. Schilt, a pioneer of Marine aviation and recipient of the Nation’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor for bravery, retired from the Marine Corps on 1 April 1957. He saw action with Leatherneck air units in World Wars I and II, the Haitian and Nicaraguan campaigns and the Korean War.

He also served at Marine Corps Headquarters, Washington, D.C., as Director of Aviation and Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps for Air.” – Marine Corps University

Featured image by Marine Corps University