This is resurfaced footage from the Battle of Amami-Ōshima, also known as the Spy Ship Incident in the Southwest Sea of Kyūshū in 2001!

A North Korean Spy Ship was sunk by Japan after a six-hour confrontation between the Japanese Coast Guard and an armed North Korean vessel, which took place near the island of Amami-Ōshima, in the East China Sea.

The encounter ended in the sinking of the North Korean vessel, which the Japanese authorities later announced was determined to have been a spy craft.

The encounter took place outside Japanese territorial waters, but within the exclusive economic zone, an area extending 200 miles from Japanese land, within which Japan can claim exclusive rights to fishing and mineral resources.

The 15 North Korean sailors who manned the ship were left to perish in the East China Sea.

Japan later decided to raise the ship and put it in a museum. The ship was not a simple rusty trawler, and held proof of the level of sophistication found in some of the North Korean endeavors. Literally, some 1960’s James Bond level tech.