How many helicopters do you need to fly President Trump to Jerusalem? Apparently a lot!

If you love helicopters and aerial displays you will enjoy this!

Israeli security services implemented what they called Operation Blue Shield during President Trump’s recent visit to Jerusalem.

Border police units, special patrol forces, and counter-terrorism units have been deployed throughout the city, many stationed near the posh hotel where Trump will be staying, the King David hotel.

Trump is reportedly sleeping in an armored presidential suite at the King David, one equipped with adhesive glass that is impermeable to gas attack and is built with special features to withstand rocket-propelled grenades.

Above the hotel, infrared cameras on balloons will surveill the area, while bomb-denotating robots will patrol the sewers underground, the Hill reported. – i24 News Israel

It is being reported that a special landing pad was constructed for the Marine One helicopter landing with President Trump.