Ukraine has been optimizing its shadow troops as the war in Ukraine continues to stagnate. According to various Ukrainian intelligence organizations, multiple smaller units have been deployed “in the crepuscular landscapes in the war,” while the main army deals in the front lines. 

“At the beginning of the war, there was a big role for small groups who could fight covertly against the Russians. Because Kyiv region, Chernihiv region, Sumy region are forested areas. So, the role of small groups was important and grew fast,” said Brabus’ (anonymous soldier pseudonym) from inside a camouflage balaclava.

In one of the videos posted on Telegram today, a Special Forces Unit broke through the rear of Russian trenches (specific location undisclosed) and eliminated 10 Russian soldiers. 

The troops started off with stealth navigation of the trenches and succeeded in their ambush as they started hitting Russian soldiers one after the other. Though the unit appeared to have used silencers, it didn’t stop the other Russians from coming through. Unfortunately for the latter, these Ukrainian Spec Ops were ready for their attacks.

After shooting three Russian soldiers, one of the Spec Ops was heard saying, “Good. Good.” 

They also offered the Russian soldiers to surrender. 

“Give up. You will live.” 

No response from the Russians. 

Watch the full ambush video below. (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT)

Kyiv’s Counteroffensive Successful

The Ukrainian military has recently achieved a major victory in the ongoing conflict with Russia, recapturing the village of Piatykhatky in the southern Zaporizhzhia region. This marks a significant milestone in the war, as it is the first time that Ukrainian forces have been able to push back against Russian aggression and reclaim lost territory.

The counteroffensive launched by Ukraine was a well-coordinated effort, utilizing advanced tactics and technology to gain an advantage over their opponents. According to official statements from the Ukrainian government, they employed a combination of air strikes, ground assaults, and cyber warfare to achieve their objectives. Additionally, they deployed more advanced surface-to-air missile systems to help protect their troops from enemy fire.

“The enemy’s ‘wave-like’ offensives yielded results, despite enormous losses,” said Russian-installed official Vladimir Rogov on his Telegram channel, Reuters reported.

UK’s Defense Ministry also noted that there’s still heavy fighting in three core regions: Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Bakhmut. However, it is apparent that Ukraine’s small advances are helping the cause.

The stakes in Bakhmut are high, as the region is a vital transportation hub and holds significant strategic value for Ukraine and its adversaries. The success or failure of Ukraine’s military efforts in this area could significantly impact the trajectory of the ongoing conflict and the stability of the surrounding region.

In recent months, the Ukrainian military has employed a combination of tactics and strategies designed to weaken enemy forces and regain control of critical territories. These efforts have included targeted airstrikes, coordinated ground assaults, and the use of intelligence-driven operations to disrupt enemy supply lines and communications.

Casualty figures indicate that the Ukrainian military has sustained relatively low losses compared to enemy forces, suggesting that their tactics have effectively minimized friendly casualties while inflicting significant damage on their adversaries. This success can be attributed to the careful planning and execution of operations and the improved training and equipment provided to Ukrainian troops.

“Both sides are suffering high casualties, with Russian losses likely the highest since the peak of the battle for Bakhmut in March,” the UK ministry said.

As Ukraine continues to push forward with its counteroffensive operations in Bakhmut, the next steps will likely involve consolidating territorial gains and fortifying newly captured positions. This will require a continued focus on intelligence-driven operations and the maintenance of a robust defensive posture to deter potential counterattacks from enemy forces.

The significance of this event cannot be understated; it marks a turning point in the war and could potentially lead to further gains for Ukraine in the coming months. However, there are still many challenges ahead for them. Despite their recent success, they still face an uphill battle against Russian forces who are determined to maintain control over disputed territories. Furthermore, geopolitical tensions between Russia and other nations have only increased since the start of hostilities, making it difficult for Ukraine to secure much-needed international support for its cause.

** For a deeper dive into the Russo-Ukrainian War, click here