A friend recently mentioned they had seen a trailer about a Marine who, since leaving the service, has taken up trail running as a means of therapy for the transition back into civilian life. I watched the trailer and the two minutes below instantly resonated. I knew I had to watch the full film.

Although everyone’s experience in the service it different to a degree, most of us walk away with a sense of the unknown that can be much more overwhelming than service itself. As stated in the film:

There is zero carryover in the real world for a machine gunner.”

In my case, change machine gunner to sniper and the stories aren’t much different. Being a runner myself, the full film shows an inside look at the benefits of finding an activity that allows you to relieve stress, reflect, or drop the spinning gears from your head.

Whether you are currently active in the military or have been removed from service for 20 years, the value of finding an activity that is therapeutic is vastly apparent in the film. Whether it’s running, dirt bike riding, or playing an instrument, these activities can potentially be a greater alternative than the bottom of a bottle.

Running for the lows.”

The film explains the concept of “running for the lows” – running for the friends you’ve lost, the visual, mental, and physical atrocities associated with war fighting. Although the full film is only 22 minutes in length it is ‘full value’ for both of those that think they do or don’t have it all figured out.