A woman accused of forcefully pushing a three-year-old child onto the MAX tracks has been denied bail and is held in custody.

A 32-year-old female has been detained without the option of bail after reportedly pushing a 3-year-old girl off the platform of a MAX station in Northeast Portland and onto the train tracks on Wednesday, according to the Multnomah County District Attorney’s office.

A man who was nearby responded quickly to the situation and saved the little one, who reported a painful headache and a minor red bump on her head, according to the district attorney’s office.

On Thursday, Brianna Lace Workman, aged 32, was arraigned in Multnomah County Circuit Court on various charges, which included the felonies of first-degree attempted assault as well as misdemeanors such as third-degree assault, disruption of public transportation, second-degree disorderly conduct, reckless endangerment, and harassment, as per court documentation.

Court documents show that Workman is registered without a permanent residence and residing in the city of Portland.

An employee has been charged with pushing a young girl who was accompanying her mom at the Gateway Transit Center on Wednesday. According to the district attorney’s office, the female minor, who has not been named in public, fell face down on the metallic rail and pebbles before being rescued from the railroad tracks.

A clip of the occurrence, published by the district attorney’s office, shows a mother and her child standing on the MAX platform close to the rails. Both of them have their winter coats on and are facing away from the camera. Then, suddenly, a person in a winter coat sitting nearby leaps up and pushes the girl, whose body slams into the side of the platform before she falls face-first onto the tracks beneath.

A warning: The following video is incredibly upsetting. This shows a child being forced off the MAX train platform at Gateway TC in the Northeast region of Portland on Wednesday night. Please skip the video if you do not like watching the scene. 

32-year-old Brianna Workman is now apprehended and jailed.