When you’re a vet and you’ve been through the grind of deployment, it can be tough to get back into shape, even for those of us that are “rugged.”

As with anything else in life, there are pros and cons to everything. In this case, we’ll focus on the pros of barefoot running as a veteran. If you’re tired of sitting around or feeling fat, maybe it’s time to take up a new hobby. Running is something that will not only get your heart pumping but also help strengthen your muscles. Running barefoot is something that will not only strengthen your feet but also give some unique health benefits outside of that alone as well.

A Little Background on Barefoot Running

The most popular reason to start barefoot running is to strengthen your feet. While running shoes are supposed to protect your feet, most people’s feet aren’t exactly the same size, so one person’s pair of running shoes may not fit another person at all.

When you have a shoe that doesn’t fit correctly, you could be crushing your toes, putting too much pressure on your heel, or even causing your arches to collapse. This is a recipe for disaster when you’re trying to run. The other reason people run barefoot is because it’s supposed to be better for your joints and knees. Running on the road or trail can be hard on your joints, but going barefoot can help cushion the blow. Running barefoot may also help improve your posture.

When you run barefoot, you are forced to run with a more natural stride. This means that you use your foot and ankle muscles more, which can help strengthen them. Additionally, when you run barefoot, you are able to feel the ground beneath your feet which can help improve your balance and coordination.

Barefoot Running
(Source: Shashi.rangarathna/Wikimedia)

Some people also believe that barefoot running can help reduce the risk of injuries. This is because when you run barefoot, you are able to land on your mid or forefoot instead of your heel. This helps absorb the impact of each stride and can help prevent injuries such as shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and Achilles tendinitis.

Strengthening Exercises for Your Muscles

When you’re running, every step you take is a mini workout. Your calves, thighs, and arms will feel the burn after just a short 5-mile run. Running barefoot can help strengthen your muscles further by adding in some exercises.

When you’re running, you may notice that the bottom of your feet begin to hurt. This is because your feet are not used to the pressure of the ground, so they are getting stronger. When this starts to happen, you can add some strengthening exercises to your running routine.