During the ongoing war taking place in the Middle East between the Israeli Defense Forces and Hamas, the region has come close to a full-blown regional war, especially during the spring.

Israel and Iran, both of whom have been in a state of shadow war for four decades, have nearly come close to a full-scale conflict, especially as the Mullahs openly finance and back various proxies that are hostile to the former.

Under pressure to respond to a major Israeli assassination of key generals, the Islamic Republic’s large-scale retaliation achieved nothing. Instead, Israel would conduct an even shorter but decisive counterstrike. With their weaknesses exposed to the world, Tehran will now put all chips on the table to their most powerful proxy, Hezbollah.

Israel’s Strike in Damascus a Game-Changer

In the backdrop of the ongoing Israel-Hamas War, intelligence and coordination between various militias in the Middle East and the Islamic Republic’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) became more frequent. Already regional foes, Israel would find a key yet dangerous and calculating opportunity to hit the head of the snake.

On April 1st, 2024, Israel conducted an aerial operation on an IRGC command post located next to Iran’s embassy in Damascus. Seeing a window of opportunity to eliminate high-value targets gathered in one place, the IDF conducted the strike unilaterally, only informing Western allies a few minutes later of the attack.

The results were the liquidation of several high-ranking IRGC commanders who commanded and coordinated various Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian militant groups at the behest of the Mullahs—resulting in a decapitation strike of the Islamic Republic’s reach in the Middle East.