Women’s Coronavirus Challenge

What we are seeing in this video clip is called “whores.” A whore will do anything for money or attention; that is, as long as it doesn’t require any book-learnin’ or education or anything that the studious classes of toil have to do. Most (all?) of what a whore does is fundamentally without forethought and holistically in piss-poor taste.

By poor taste in these whores’ cases, I mean they have made a mockery of a disease pandemic that is worldly in scope. That means that not only do the approximately 350,000,000 people in America hate her cocksucking guts, but the rest of the approximately four billion people within the pandemic’s reach also hate her cocksucking guts; the more people that die from the virus, the more people will hate these whores.

Aaand she’s single too, fellows!

But they don’t have to be smart, or kind, considerate, polite, compassionate, or noble… because they’re pretty, and there will always be bro-dudes in sports bars that will suck up to them no matter how many toilet seats they lick. But ain’t that American — land of the free, purple mountains from sea to shining sea, little pink houses for you and me… toilet seat licking whores.

I’m guessing her next stunt will be to travel to the Auschwitz/Birkenau memorials in Oświeńcim, Poland and play Deadpool’s “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” really really loudly. I find it ironic (to say the least) that the blond person held her hair back as she licked the seat so it wouldn’t touch the toilet — what??

OMG, the freakin’ Chineez just crapped on the entire world!!

And of course, there’s no toilet paper left…

Well, you know how in America we like to say — but not necessarily practice — “Own your mistakes”? meaning of course that one should have the integrity to admit to a mistake and affect damage control rather than fire up the blame thrower and waste the entire front rows of coworkers. The Chineez aren’t so much down with that idea.

Let’s see. So recently in the course of crapping on other nations, the Chineez had a moment of motion economic brilliance: