I am excited for Spring to fully arrive. I plan on doing some overnight hikes with Loki (my dog), and my son Cole. Recently I wrote about my top ten overnight hike essentials, but what if you plan on bringing your kid? It was an interesting process to start finding some gear for my son. There seemed to be two camps; extremely cheap low-quality gear, or extremely expensive top-end gear (which I thought was a little overkill for a 4 year-old).

After searching for some time I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon Big Agnes. Big Agnes sells; sleeping bags, sleeping pads, tents, clothes, camping accessories, and more. I was even more excited to see they had a presence on promotive (discount site). After looking through their sleeping bags/pads I finally settled on the Haybro 15 sleeping bag, and the Air Core 20x66x3.25 sleeping pad. You can check out both in the video below.

The Haybro 15 retails for $99.95, but can be found for a better price on promotive. The Air Core sleeping pad ranges from $49.95-$99.95 depending on the size needed. For the Haybro 15 I went with the 20x66x3.25 which retails for $57.95, and can also be found for a slightly better price on promotive (learn how to join). This is a great price point for a product that can work in temperatures as low as 15 degrees.

I am very pleased with the quality, and price point. This sleep system is something my son will use now, and grow into later. The top-end capacity for this sleeping bag is 5’6” so I am planning on many years use. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product by using the comment section below, or our comms check.


This article is courtesy of The Loadout Room.