President François Hollande confirmed Monday a migrant camp in Calais known as the Jungle will be razed and the thousands of migrants living there will be moved to reception centers across the country because “the situation is unacceptable and everyone here knows it.”

In a visit to Calais, Mr. Hollande also called on Britain to help in this “humanitarian effort,” since the desired destination of many of the migrants in the camp there is across the English Channel.

The plan to completely dismantle the camp comes amid demands from a wide range of French citizens, from truck drivers, farmers, dockworkers, and merchants, to right-wing opponents of Hollande, to close the camp and force Britain to play a greater role. In order to shut down the Jungle for good, France plans to relocate the up to 10,000 migrants living there around the country while it processes asylum claims for thousands of camp residents who don’t want to permanently settle in France.

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