Thirty-five Russian asylum seekers were secretly allowed entry into the United States from Mexico following their escape from the Kremlin, despite many other asylum seekers being forced to wait or having their attempts at asylum rejected.

According to a report by Vice, which first broke the story, the 35 Russian asylum seekers spent about a week in Mexico and were then transported to a portion of the border where they would not be seen. The crossing reportedly happened on March 20. At predawn, they were handed over by the Mexican immigration team to the US Customs and Border Protection. Specifically, they crossed at a border checkpoint known as “El Chaparral,” which had been closed for months.

The group was allegedly composed of Russians fleeing from their home as they opposed the war of Putin in Ukraine. Fearing persecution from their government, they fled to Mexico and camped there, waiting for the US to begin their process of applications for asylum. They had reportedly slept on the sidewalk, folding chairs and donated blankets a few feet away from the border itself.

Before entering the US, a Russian-speaking individual had claimed and posed to be an American diplomat who offered the 35 Russian asylum seekers a path to seek asylum in the US. According to Vice, they would be allowed entry to the US, but only if they broke up their encampment at the Tijuana-San Diego border crossing. They were wary of the deal but took it anyway as it was their only choice.

The US Consulate in Tijuana allegedly brokered this secret deal, which bypassed Title 42, a sweeping border restriction policy enacted by former President Donald Trump. This specific policy was responsible for the quick deportation of thousands of migrants out of the US in two years.