An extensive police dragnet had failed Monday to catch a suspect in the ambush execution of a San Antonio detective, the first of four police officers in three states targeted in a Sunday shooting spree.

Three of the incidents appeared to be targeted attacks and involved law enforcement officers sitting unsuspectingly in their patrol cars, either waiting in traffic or after pulling vehicles over for traffic stops.

Detective Benjamin Marconi, 50, was sitting in his patrol car across from police headquarters writing a traffic ticket at 11:45 a.m. local time when a vehicle unrelated to the stop pulled up behind Marconi’s squad car. A man got out and took aim at the 20-year veteran, striking Marconi twice in the head. The final shot was fired as the assailant reached inside Marconi’s passenger window to shoot the father of two at close range.

“This is everyone’s worst nightmare. You never want to see anything like this happen,” said San Antonio Police Chief William McManus, who then ticked off several other cities that recently had police officers targeted and killed. “Unfortunately, like Dallas, like Baton Rouge, it’s happened here now.”

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