Buying anniversary gifts can be a challenge. No matter how well you know your spouse, finding the right gift to give them on your special day will require hours of brainstorming and weighing the pros and cons. 

Before you know it, you’ve spent an entire afternoon racking your brain and still have nothing. That added pressure makes things more unsettling and stressful, and that’s something we all want to avoid before the big day. 

So to lessen the time spent (and wasted) on scouring the internet for the perfect anniversary gift, let this short article be your guide. After reading this, you should at least have a top choice, whether it’s an item on this list or something related. 

5 Anniversary Gifts That Would Make Your Spouse Appreciate You

It doesn’t matter if you’re celebrating your first year as a married couple or the first decade. You can’t just give any gift for the sake of saying that you did. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it has to be practical and meaningful. 


When it comes to anniversary gifts, fragrances are usually towards the top of the list. They’re intimate presents that are reserved for someone special for noteworthy occasions. They’re also very practical and can be used every day. If this is your gift choice, you’re in a win-win situation. 

Now, many of you reading this are probably thinking, ‘aren’t good-quality perfumes on the pricier side?’ That’s a valid point to bring up because not everyone is fortunate enough to have the resources. 

Maybe you haven’t looked enough, and you don’t have to. There are online shops you can check out that offer some of the top fragrance brands at a hefty discount. They are essentially perfume value packs that can last you for a while until your next refill. Do yourself a favor and check out these deals

Adult Toys

When complimented with other relationship-building activities, the use of adult toys can actually strengthen the bond between spouses. And this isn’t just any baseless claim; it is actually backed up by experts. 

Mumbai-based sexuality educator Arupa Vatsalya likens the use of adult toys to having a more efficient kitchen appliance. 

“Sure, one can use a mortar and pestle to make a chutney, but a mixer grinder can save time, energy, and if nothing else, can just be a different experience — toys can do things that humans possibly cannot,” she said, adding that couples who reported using these devices also believe they’ve improved the communication in their marriage.

Adult toys in the digital age are more advanced and upgraded, to say the least. Many of them come with an app and the capability to be controlled remotely, which can spice things up between you and the spouse. It can even work well in long-distance arrangements

And if you’re the conservative type, don’t worry. These anniversary gifts are usually packaged discreetly. 


You can never go wrong with a watch for an anniversary gift. Especially if you’ve got a good brand, it’ll be your beloved trinket for the time being and an eventual heirloom for your favorite grandchild. They’re also pulling excellent numbers when we’re talking about resale value. 

But the thing with watches is that you don’t need a luxury name for it to look and feel good. You can find decent brands that are durable enough to last you a good number of years, at worst. 

Now, if it’s a milestone anniversary and you’re willing to splurge, feel free to throw in an elegant handbag for the wife and a snazzy suit jacket for the husband. 

A Vacation

When was the last time you went on a getaway together, just the two of you? For some, it’s been years, right before the children were born. For others, it’s been decades because life got in the way. 

But this time, you have an anniversary coming up. Why not break that vacation drought? If the kids aren’t of age yet, leave them with the grandparents. Make this trip all about you as a couple, for a change. Take this chance to rekindle that spark. 

Let’s get one thing out of the way: vacations don’t need to cost an arm and a leg. Do your research for the best deals in hotels, flights or both. These online platforms are usually in tune with the times and offer reviews and testimonials from others who’ve availed themselves. 

If you choose a vacation as an anniversary gift for the spouse, expect to spend a little more than you would if you gave something tangible. It will be much pricier, but with it come new memories you can forever cherish. 

Something For The Home

It’s always nice to receive something for the home that you both share. It’s an upgrade you two can enjoy and make the most out of. 

Appliances are always a winner for a gift. The sight of a brand-spanking new pizza oven or air fryer sitting on the countertop in your kitchen will never get old. And if you don’t have one yet, a shiny espresso machine is guaranteed to bring delight to you caffeine-loving better half. 

But if you want something both of you will make good use of, go with a new bed mattress. Now you have at least ten new years of warranty. 

Never Worry About Anniversary Gifts Ever Again

Anniversary gifts don’t need to be grand, and that cannot be stressed enough. They don’t need a hefty price tag. You want a gift that is either useful or bears a sentimental value. Major bonus points if you can find one that’s both. 

But with this short guide, you shouldn’t have to worry about what to get your better half on the next big day. You shouldn’t have a shortage of ideas. 

** Click here to pick up a nice anniversary journal.