What if our founder, Brandon Webb, and Hemingway got together in the quest for the perfect cocktail?


In the final whispers of the sun, there sat two stalwart men, hidden deep within the confines of a SOFREP retreat. Ernest Hemingway revived from the annals of history, and Brandon Webb, a Navy SEAL by training, now turned SOFREP founder and flourishing entrepreneur.

Both men of strength and valor, they found themselves embroiled in a different sort of combat. The stakes? High as the tip of Mt. Everest. The mission? Not an operation in some hostile territory, nor a war of words on literature’s fierce battleground, but a quest for the evening’s perfect cocktail.

“We are not just here to idle away the twilight, Webb,” Hemingway declared, his voice, gruff from the dust of a thousand untold tales, rolled through the bunker. “An evening cocktail is not just a beverage, but a symbol of victory over a day’s hardship, an elixir of the warrior, if you will.”

Brandon, no stranger to daunting tasks, raised an eyebrow. His fingers grazed his chin thoughtfully. “Alright, Papa Hemingway, I’m game. Let’s find that perfect cocktail.”

The pair embarked on a pilgrimage around the bunker, scavenging for the weapons of their warfare: bourbon, bitters, ice, and a lost orange peel. No ammo crate was left unturned, and no cabinet left unscoured.

In their spirited pursuit, they happened upon a hidden compartment beneath the bunker’s worn-out wooden table. Webb’s eagle eyes, honed from years of sniper training, spotted the barely visible seam.

“What have we here, Papa Hemingway?” Webb asked, pulling at the stubborn latch. With a tug that could have wrestled a shark into submission, Webb finally pried it open. Inside, they found a secret cache, a trove of aged spirits, forgotten by time.

“Holy Havana, Webb!” Hemingway barked a laugh that echoed through the bunker. “This bunker was better stocked than my old Cuban hideaway!”

They carefully pulled out dusty bottles of bourbon, whiskey, and rum, the labels long faded but the spirits within alive with anticipation. With these unexpected reinforcements, their quest for the perfect cocktail took an interesting turn.

“Ever tried a bourbon older than your sea tales, Webb?” Hemingway winked, holding up a bottle that looked as though it had survived more than a few decades.

“We are SEALs, Hemingway. We swim with the sharks, not against them,” Webb replied, his grin widening. “But I’ll wager that bottle could tell a tale or two.”

The discovery of the hidden box of booze only intensified their camaraderie, the hilarity of their undertaking, and most importantly, the importance of the evening cocktail. This secret trove provided not just aged spirits, but an unforgettable night of spirited banter, hearty laughter, and a shared understanding of the true essence of their quest.

They crafted, they sampled, they laughed at their failures. Hemingway mixed a cocktail that tasted more like the bitterness of defeat than an elixir of victory, while Webb concocted a brew that could have doubled as rocket fuel.

“Aha! Now, that was the Havana Hellfire,” Hemingway chortled, after a particular fiery sip of Webb’s creation.

They were warriors, not bartenders, but the importance of the evening cocktail transcended their professional capabilities. The mixing, the laughter, the camaraderie – it was all part of the process.

After much ado, Hemingway poured the last of the bourbon into a glass. Webb meticulously dropped in the bitters, twirled the orange peel, and finally, added a cube of ice. Together, they had crafted their ‘elixir’.

As they raised their glasses, the sunset glowed, a beacon of their hard-earned victory. “To the perfect cocktail,” Webb toasted, his voice carrying the gruff of the day’s adventure. “May it always symbolize our victories, however small they may be.”

In the echoes of their laughter and clinking glasses, one thing was clear: it wasn’t about the perfect cocktail, it was about the quest. The perfect evening cocktail was a metaphor, an embodiment of camaraderie, perseverance, and good humor. Even in the most hardened hearts of warriors and writers, a shared laugh and a shared drink served as a reminder: to enjoy the journey, however comical, however convoluted.

As the evening dwindled and the final rays of sunlight faded, Hemingway and Webb found themselves leaning back in their chairs, the glow of their triumph reflected in their smiles and in the empty bottles around them.

They had searched for the perfect cocktail, and indeed they had found it – not in the aged spirits of the hidden box, nor in the precise balance of bourbon, bitters, and orange peel – but in the shared laughter and the brotherhood that had deepened throughout their quest.

Hemingway, with his grizzled charm, turned to Webb. “You know, Webb,” he began, swirling the last of the bourbon in his glass, “we embarked on this journey looking for the perfect cocktail. But I dare say we’ve found something far more valuable.”

Webb, ever the SEAL, nodded in agreement. “True, Hemingway. It was never about the cocktail, was it? It was about this,” he said, gesturing between them.

Their quest for the perfect cocktail turned into a testament to friendship. They realized that whether in a sun-kissed Havana bar, a windswept SEAL training camp, or a dusty bunker filled with hidden treasures, the essence of a perfect evening lay not in what they drank, but in the company they shared.

And so, Hemingway and Webb raised their glasses one last time, toasting not to the perfect cocktail, but to the perfect camaraderie. They learned that the most vital ingredient in any recipe was friendship, a truth as timeless as the spirits they had unearthed.

“The perfect evening cocktail,” Hemingway mused, “is much like a perfect friendship. Strong, complex, and best when shared. Here’s to us, Webb. To warriors and wordsmiths, and the bonds that tie us.”

And thus, in the heart of the bunker, under the guise of a humorous quest for the perfect cocktail, two men from different walks of life discovered that friendship was the most potent brew of all.

What is life without celebrating with the ones you love.

Happy 4th from the SOFREP crew and we hope you enjoyed this sea story from another dimension.