We all need to constantly help America remember that even though the media coverage of the wars has died down and we’ve pulled out of Iraq; our veterans and their families still need a lot of support.

I wanted to highlight a guy who is trying to remind people of just that. He’s Tim Tuomey, a former Recon Marine that’s raising money for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund by riding his bicycle (yes, bicycle – no motor!) from Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in Bridgeport, CA to Camp Lejeune, NC.

Operation Awakening
Operation Awakening

His goal is to raise $50,000 before he starts his ride, and 100% of the money goes directly to the Semper Fi Fund. His project is called Operation Awakening. It’s basically Tim’s way of giving back to a brotherhood that had so much impact on his life.

I think Operation Awakening is a good example of how most veterans never stop serving, even when their tour is complete. We might take some “time off” after we get out, but it seems that we all come back into the community and continue to make a difference for something bigger than ourselves. I guess it’s just in our blood!

Here’s an excerpt from Tim’s website about why he’s taking on this mission –


When I left the military in 1990 I turned my back on the Marine Corps & my recon brotherhood.  It wasn’t until 25yrs later when I realized what impact this recon mindset and brotherhood had on me. I once had a Gunny tell me, “it’s not the talk you talk but the walk you walk.  And never forget, leadership through example is the only way to contribute to my Marine Corps..  And in life”.  25 yrs later I still live by that same code. 

So on April 1st, 2012 I’ll step up and lead this challenge.  So when its all said and done people can say, “he rode the ride to help a brother and sister.”