If you thought promotions and duty positions were competitive before, wait until after the next twelve months when the Army downsizes to its smallest size since WWII. According to Defense News,  Lt. Gen. James McConville, the deputy chief of staff for personnel (G-1) recently announced the Army will be downsizing from 1.3 million to a total force of 980,000 soldiers (Active duty 450,000 soldiers, Army National Guard 335,000 soldiers, and  Army Reserve 195,000 soldiers) by the end of fiscal year 2018.

“We’re coming down from a peak of 1.33 million to a 980,000 force, so this will be the smallest Army we’ve had since World War II,” McConville said. – Defense News

The Army is working on its readiness tracking in order to ensure everyone is deployable and those that are not will be separated. As of July 2016, the article states 148,000 soldiers are non-deployable in all three components.

First to go will more than likely be those already considered non-deployable due to permanent profiles, people passed over twice for promotions, soldiers that have had prior disciplinary actions, and non-MOSQ (not qualified for their duty position).

To meet those numbers, the Army is scheduled to conduct involuntary separation or early separation boards in fiscal 2017,” McConville said.