The US Army just spent a whopping $83.3 million on Allison Transmission, an Indiana outfit, to upgrade the Abrams main battle tank with X1100 transmissions.

This is no casual handshake, folks; it’s a dance in the ongoing modernization jig for the Abrams, sealing the deal on an enduring bromance between Allison and the Army.

Allison’s Role in Abrams Tank Modernization

This contract isn’t the first rodeo for these two—back in December 2022, Allison cashed in a sweet $51 million check to kickstart the Abrams modernization project.

It’s like the Army looked Allison in the eyes and said, “You’ve got the touch, you’ve got the power,” and threw money at them.

Trust – that’s the currency here.

Let’s not forget August of the same year, when Allison got the nod from the Army to develop an electric hybrid subsystem for the next-generation armored beasts.

Dana Pittard, the Vice President for Defense Programs at Allison, is walking around with a chest puffed up with pride.

He’s talking about the joy of hanging out with the Army, playing with tanks and other defense toys.