SOFREP’s first post was written by Brandon Webb, and of course it was about Military Snipers. But have you seen our second post? It’s by Jack Murphy, titled Interview with former Army Ranger, Jeremy Rodriguez. Jack’s post began a SOFREP tradition of bringing interviews to our readers, and not just ‘celebrity’ interviews, but real Q&A with real SOF warriors.

Best line in Jeremy’s interview? “I will say one thing though…. RIP was a million times easier than being a new Private in Ranger Battalion with a spawn of Satan as a Team Leader.”

Dan Tharp published his piece, Grey’s Scouts Interview: Michael Watson, in December, 2012, as SOFREP went beyond American SOF and began to feature topics about Grey’s Scouts and the Rhodesian SAS. Michael Watson gives a great history of both his family’s military heritage, but also the Horseback Scouts.

In his piece, Interview With A Vietnam USAF FAC (Forward Air Control), Brandon talks with Mike Leonard, a Vietnam era combat FAC pilot. Mike tells how he got into flying for the Air Force, and shares some great stories about combat, flying and strategy in Vietnam.

Dan Tharp continued his interview series on war in Rhodesia with his post, Ken Gaudet – 173rd Infantry, Rhodesian Light Infantry and the SADF Pathfinders. Ken Gaudet served two combat tours in Vietnam, then with the Rhodesian Light Infantry and, in 1980, went to his third war with an elite unit known as the ‘Philistines.’ They were officially the Pathfinder unit for the 44th Para Battalion but were utilized in COIN operations.

Of course, we’ve always got a few tricks up our sleeves, like the time Jack interviewed a legit rocket scientist (our own ColonelProp) in his post, SOFREP Discusses Orbital Weapons in China & More With a Rocket Scientist. It’s a great read, and ColonelProp dishes on both the history of rocket technology in the US, and China as our primary competitor in space.

There are many more great interviews available on the website. And of course, for continuing great interviews check out SOFREP TV and SOFREP Radio, some of the best audio interviews with and about SOF personnel, missions and training available on the Internet, or anywhere, for that matter.