With presumptive Philippine President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. in an apparent win in the Philippine Presidential elections, President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping have both personally congratulated Marcos Jr. on his landslide victory.

First to congratulate him was China’s Xi, who sent the Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines, Huang Xilian, personally to meet Marcos Jr. During this visit, Huang officially handed over Xi’s congratulatory note hailing his win as the 17th President of the Philippines.

The Chinese President was reportedly “delighted” upon hearing about Marcos Jr.’s win and extended his sincere congratulations and best wishes. The note expresses that China’s relationship with the Philippines has been “strengthened” and “elevated” throughout the recent years and has brought “benefits” to the people of both countries. He further stated that the two countries have been making contributions to regional peace and stability.

“Currently, China and the Philippines are both at a critical stage of development, posing important opportunities and broad prospects for our bilateral relations. I highly value the development of China-Philippines relations,” Xi said.

“I am ready to build a good working relationship with you to preserve our good neighborliness, work for common development and deepen our Relationship of Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation so as to bring benefits to our countries and two peoples,” he added.

Presumptive Philippine President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. receives a congratulatory note from Chinese President Xi via Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian (Ferdinand Marcos). Source: https://www.facebook.com/BongbongMarcos/posts/550141799813738
Presumptive Philippine President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. receives a congratulatory note from Chinese President Xi via Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian (Ferdinand Marcos/Facebook).

Xi had enjoyed the Philippines’ support from outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte, who started the shift way back in 2016 when he called Former US President Barack Obama a “son of a whore” as Obama wanted to ask Duterte about the extrajudicial killings in the Philippines.

Under the strengthened China-Philippines relationship, China would invest and let the Philippines loan out funds for Duterte’s infrastructure projects widely tied to the Belt and Road Initiative. However, journalists determined that the majority of these projects have not even broken ground yet, and not much had been actually built – causing the opposition to question said projects. Duterte would also virtually give away disputed islands in the South China Sea to appease China, even when the Philippines had won an international arbitration case against China.

Later, Duterte would walk back his statements and say that he did not mean those comments to be taken personally. “I do not want to quarrel with him. He’s the most powerful president of any country on the planet,” he said, explaining that he was angry at the former members of the US state department who kept on commenting about the human rights situation in the Philippines.