A group calling itself “The Brazil Caliphate” has pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed leader of the Islamic State, sparking fresh concerns about the nation’s ability to safeguard the upcoming summer Olympics.

In the July 17 pledge, “Ansar al-Khilafah Brazil” posted to its Telegram channel an allegiance to Al Baghdadi, the “Emir of the Believers, the Caliph of the Muslims, and promised to fully obey him in establishing “the religion of Allah” against “the enemy.”

Among the group’s other entries on the channel are links to more Islamic State “Nashir” propaganda channels in Spanish and Portuguese, links to previous issues of ISIS’ glossy Dabiq Magazine, Nasheeds or jihadi songs and a speech by ISIS spokesman Al Adnani, translated in English and Portuguese.

In one entry the author takes a swipe at French security in light of the Nice truck attack, asking rhetorically ‘what benefit French operations against ISIS in Syria have yielded.’

“Has this not radicalized more Muslims to take revenge?” he asks, before scornfully adding, “If French soldiers failed to prevent a terror attack happening in France, of what use will they be in trying to train Brazilian police?”

Brazilian and French law enforcement have held joint training and drills in recent years, with the countries hosting events such as the World Cup, Euro 2016 and the upcoming Olympics.

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Image courtesy of hungarytoday.hu