Three people — two UN personnel and a contractor — were injured today after 7 mortars hit the Halane UN compound in Mogadishu. Al Shabaab have used these tactics before, but never with this number of victims in the compound.

According to the official statement by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Nicholas Haysom, none of the injuries are life-threatening and condemned the attack by Al Shabaab with the strongest possible terms.

“Today’s indirect fire attack on the main UN compound in Mogadishu may amount to a violation of international humanitarian law, and I deplore this unwarranted act of aggression against our personnel,” Haysom stated in the official UN statement, today in Mogadishu.

Haysom also added: “No political agenda can be served through violence that deliberately targets staff members of international organizations who are supporting the consolidation of peace and the strengthening of governing institutions in Somalia.”

Al Shabaab almost immediately claimed the attack — their first of the year.

The UN envoy wishes his colleagues a speedy and full recovery.