The British Army is set to gain a decisive edge on the battlefield with the introduction of the L403A1 signature-masking rifles.

In a groundbreaking move to enhance its defense capabilities, the United Kingdom’s Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) has inked a significant contract with Edgar Brothers.

The contract, an initial order valued at 15 million euros ($18.79 million), marks the inception of Project Hunter, aimed at procuring the state-of-the-art L403A1 signature-masking rifles for the British Army. These rifles are poised to revolutionize the armed forces with their signature masking technology and cutting-edge optics, equipping soldiers for heightened efficiency in the field.

Project Hunter: A Quest for Innovation

Project Hunter, a pivotal initiative within the UK’s defense sector, represents a strategic endeavor to bolster the army’s arsenal with the latest Alternative Individual Weapon (AIW) systems. These AIWs are set to complement the existing L85A3 NATO-standard rifles, ensuring the armed forces remain at the forefront of modern warfare. The L403A1, the jewel of Project Hunter, is destined to redefine battlefield dynamics with its ingenious signature-masking technology.

The UK Minister of Defense (MoD) initiated the AIW system project to replace the SA80/L85 series of rifles and Colt Canada L119s in service with the Rangers and Royal Marines Commandos. After a rigorous two-year competition, the MoD announced the selection of Knight’s KS-1 as the L403A1, triumphing over formidable competitors, including Heckler & Koch, SIG Sauer, Daniel Defense, and Glock.

Technical Specifications: The L403A1 Signature-Masking Rifle

The L403A1 represents a radical departure from conventional weaponry. It draws inspiration from the legendary ArmaLite Rifle (AR) lineage, modernizing the platform for contemporary military requirements.

What sets the L403A1 apart is its remarkable signature-masking technology, which effectively conceals the rifle from hearing and sight detectors. This groundbreaking advancement in stealth technology will give British soldiers a critical edge on the battlefield, ensuring their movements remain concealed from prying enemy eyes and ears.

What is Signature Masking Technology?

The term “signature masking technology” in the context of rifles typically refers to advancements or systems that reduce or conceal various signatures or detectable characteristics that a firearm might produce when it’s operated. This can include:

  1. Acoustic Masking: Reducing the sound of the gunshot or entirely silencing it.
  2. Muzzle Flash Reduction: Limiting the visible flash that comes out of the muzzle when a round is fired, which can give away a shooter’s position, especially in low-light or night conditions.
  3. Thermal Masking: Limiting the heat signature, especially after multiple rounds have been fired, which can be detected by infrared imaging equipment.
  4. Radar and Radio Frequency (RF) Masking: Making the rifle less detectable or distinguishable to radar or other RF detection systems, though this is less common for individual firearms and more relevant to larger weapon systems.
  5. Vibration and Recoil Reduction: Minimizing the mechanical signatures of the rifle that might be detectable or that could affect the shooter’s aim on subsequent shots.

The goal of such technologies is to make it more difficult for adversaries to detect, locate, and respond to a shooter, thus providing the shooter with a strategic advantage on the battlefield. In modern warfare scenarios where advanced detection systems are often in use, signature masking can be of paramount importance.

The L403A1 doesn’t stop at signature masking—it also boasts cutting-edge magnified optics. These optics empower soldiers to neutralize threats at extended ranges with unparalleled precision. The combination of signature masking and advanced optics ensures that the British Army will be well-equipped to dominate in various combat scenarios.

A Significant Initial Order

Under Project Hunter, DE&S has taken the significant first step by placing an initial order for 1,620 L403A1 AIWs, representing an investment of 15 million euros ($18.79 million). This move underscores the UK’s commitment to modernizing its defense capabilities. Moreover, an option to procure up to 10,000 rifles over the next decade has been secured with a budget of 90 million euros ($112.73 million). This commitment bolsters national security and sustains approximately 50 jobs at Edgar Brothers, a weapons developer firm based in Macclesfield.

Unleashing Tactical Prowess: L403A1 Integration in the ASOB Ranger Regiment

Colonel Paul Cummings, head of DE&S Dismounted Close Combat (DCC), lauded Project Hunter as a testament to close collaboration with the user community and robust engagement with industry partners. He remarked:

“This is another example of the enormous commitment of the men and women in DCC to deliver battle-winning capability into the hands of the user, and I’m enormously proud of what they have achieved.”

The L403A1 rifles will make their debut in the hands of the British Army Special Operations Brigade (ASOB) Ranger Regiment. This elite unit, comprising four battalions deployed in over 60 countries, was established under the UK MoD’s Future Soldier warfighter capability enhancement program. Their deployment of the L403A1 represents a significant leap in the brigade’s operational capabilities.

(Image source: British Army)

Brigadier Rob Hedderwick, ASOB Commander, expressed his enthusiasm for the L403A1:

“The L403A1 is an exciting step in the evolution of the Army Special Operations Brigade. The new rifle will equip our soldiers with an excellent weapon system that is more interoperable with our partners across the world. It offers a marked increase in lethality, and the system includes one of the most capable day sights currently available.”

The L403A1 system’s capabilities are further enhanced by the latest generation of night optics, which are already in use by the ASOB. This integration of night vision technology promises to give British soldiers a critical advantage in low-light and nighttime operations, ensuring their ability to operate effectively in diverse environments.


In conclusion, the signing of the contract between DE&S and Edgar Brothers for the L403A1 signature-masking rifles marks a significant milestone in the enhancement of the British Army’s defense capabilities. Project Hunter’s pursuit of innovation, combined with cutting-edge technology, promises to equip soldiers with a state-of-the-art AIW system that conceals their presence while extending their reach on the battlefield. This investment not only fortifies national security but also supports local industry and sustains jobs.

As the L403A1 rifles find their way into the hands of the ASOB Ranger Regiment, the British Army takes a significant leap forward in its quest for operational excellence and readiness in an ever-evolving world of defense.