• The House Intelligence Committee released a transcript of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page’s testimony before the panel last week.
  • Some of the testimony supports details contained in what’s become known as the Steele dossier.
  • Page revealed that he had met with Russian government officials and a top official at a state-owned oil giant during a 2016 trip to Moscow.

The House Intelligence Committee on Monday released the full transcript of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page’s testimony before the panel last week, portions of which support details in an explosive collection of memos outlining alleged collusion between the campaign and Moscow during the election.

Page revealed during his testimony that he met with both members of Russia’s presidential administration and with the head of investor relations at the state-owned Russian oil giant Rosneft during his trip to Moscow last July.

He also congratulated members of the Trump campaign’s foreign policy team on July 14 for their “excellent work” on the “Ukraine amendment” — a reference to the Trump campaign’s decision to “intervene” to water down a proposed amendment to the GOP’s Ukraine platform.


Read the whole story from Business Insider.

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