On Tuesday, Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu announced that China is ready to collaborate with Vietnam to enhance high-level communication and cooperation between their armed forces. The statement came during a meeting in Beijing between Li and his Vietnamese counterpart, Phan Van Giang.

Li noted that the current international situation is chaotic and complex, with the Asia-Pacific region’s security facing numerous challenges, according to a statement from the Chinese Defense Ministry. He emphasized the importance of both nations working together for regional peace and stability.

“China and Vietnam should continue to work hand in hand and closely unite in the new journey of socialism, safeguard the common strategic interests of the two countries, and make positive contributions to regional peace and stability,” Li said during his talks with Phan Van Giang.

China and Vietnam Relations

The tension between the two nations stems from a variety of factors. Historical disputes are a significant factor, with Vietnam accusing China of conquering and annexing its territory during the Tang and Yuan dynasties. Conversely, China claims ownership over the South China Sea and claims that the Paracel and Spratly Islands belong to them, a stance that Vietnam refuses to accept.

In recent years, China has become increasingly assertive in claiming its sovereignty over parts of the South China Sea. This has caused tensions between the two countries to intensify dramatically, with Vietnam accusing China of violating its sovereignty and interfering in its economic activities. China has been accused of bullying Vietnam by placing oil rigs in disputed waters, harassing Vietnamese fishermen, and even sinking fishing vessels.

Vietnam has responded by increasing its military spending, strengthening its relations with other regional powers such as India, and seeking closer ties with the United States. The country has also called for a peaceful resolution to the disputes in the South China Sea, with both sides adhering to international law for the sake of regional stability.

Despite these tensions, China remains Vietnam’s largest trading partner, with two-way trade reaching over $100 billion in 2020. However, this economic cooperation has yet to translate into increased political or security cooperation, with Vietnam remaining cautious of China’s growing power and influence in the region.

Vietnam Military Capability

Vietnam’s military capability is a force to be reckoned with in South-East Asia. The People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) is well-equipped and highly trained, making it one of the most effective fighting forces in the region. 

The PAVN consists of ground, naval, and air forces, each with unique strengths. The ground forces are the most prominent element of the PAVN and are responsible for securing Vietnam’s borders and conducting ground operations. In recent years, Vietnam has strongly emphasized modernizing its ground forces by introducing new tanks, artillery, and infantry weapons.

The naval forces of the PAVN are also impressive, with a range of vessels that include frigates, corvettes, and submarines. Vietnam has invested heavily in its naval capabilities, particularly in response to China’s increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea. In 2019, Vietnam received its first-ever submarine rescue vessel, a significant addition to its naval capabilities.

Finally, the PAVN’s air force is small but highly capable. It consists of fighters, attack aircraft, transport aircraft, and helicopters. Air power is essential for projecting military force and supporting ground operations in a country with a long coastline and rugged terrain.

Vietnam’s military capability is not without its weaknesses, however. Although highly trained, the PAVN’s ground forces are often criticized for lacking mobility. Vietnam’s mountainous terrain and dense forests make it difficult to move troops quickly from one location to another, which can be a disadvantage in a fast-moving conflict. Additionally, while Vietnam has made significant strides in modernizing its military capabilities, it still lags behind major regional powers like China and Japan regarding overall military strength.

Vietnam’s military capability is strong and growing, but it still has room for improvement. With ongoing modernization efforts and a focus on improving mobility and logistics, Vietnam’s military will likely continue to be a formidable force in the region. As always, time will tell, but Vietnam’s military remains a force to be reckoned with.

Want to know more? Check this book: “PAVN: Peoples Army of Vietnam.”