We’ve just written a stark warning last week for the US to keep a close eye on China’s movements since we foresee a more aggressive push of their military powers all over Asia. Apparently, they’re starting to move in.

Three weeks ago, US President Joe Biden spoke at the ASEAN Summit held in Cambodia to reinforce the administration’s close ties with ally countries as China’s intent on dominating the entire region becomes more and more apparent.

Military expansion by the Chinese government is nothing new, but their recent moves in the South China Sea and throughout Asia have caught the United States’ attention. In order to maintain its influence and counterbalance China’s aggression, the United States has been strengthening its ties with countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

ASEAN is a regional intergovernmental organization comprised of 10 member states in Southeast Asia. The organization’s purpose is to promote regional economic integration, cooperation, and security. The United States has supported ASEAN since its inception in 1967 and has increased its involvement in recent years as China has become more aggressive.

The United States has pledged to increase military aid to ASEAN countries, expand trade opportunities, and increase cooperation on issues such as maritime security and terrorism. In particular, the United States hopes to strengthen its alliance with the Philippines to deter China’s expansion into the South China Sea.

“We will build a better future we all say we want to see,” Mr. Biden said at his third ASEAN summit as president, “for all one billion people in our countries.”

President Joe Biden
(Source: U.S. Secretary of Defense/Flickr)

Biden announced a series of new initiatives between the US and other ASEAN countries, including the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Laos. These initiatives aim to promote positive efforts toward climate change by empowering the consumer’s ability to purchase electronic vehicles. They also laid out initiatives for loans and support to female entrepreneurs. Though these are important fundamental issues, the Biden administration also spoke with ASEAN leaders about “China’s rising influence and military aggression.”

Though these summits do not produce any substantial policy change, analysts believe Biden’s presence impacted, especially in raising the urgency for other countries to start planning on potential Chinese threats.