The Pentagon, facing accusations that a coalition air strike may have killed scores of civilians in the Iraqi city of Mosul, said on Monday it was not loosening its rules of engagement in the fight against Islamic State but that resources to investigate claims were limited.

Eyewitnesses from Mosul and Iraqi officials have said last week’s strike on Islamic State targets may have collapsed homes where rescue officials say as many as 200 people were buried in the rubble.

The U.S. military does not intend to change the way it carries out strikes, even as the fighting in Mosul enters more densely populated areas, Colonel John Thomas, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, told reporters.

“General Votel is not looking into changing the way we operate other than to say our processes are good and we want to make sure we live by those processes,” Thomas said.

General Joseph Votel heads Central Command.

“There (are) only so many people dedicated to this who really have the expertise to get us where we need to be,” Thomas added.


Read the whole story from Reuters.