Digital Concepts Engineering (DCE) has unveiled the X3 Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), the latest iteration of their X Series platform.

Building on the success of the X2 model, the X3 boasts increased versatility and adaptability for military operations.

A Reconfigurable Platform for Diverse Missions

The X3’s crown jewel is its reconfigurable top deck, an innovative design that allows for mission-specific customization, catering to diverse needs within the military.

Imagine a single UGV platform that can be reconfigured for Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions by day and then quickly transformed to deploy decoys for tactical deception at night.

The X3’s adaptability doesn’t stop there.

It can even integrate Public Address (PA) systems, which would allow troops to communicate effectively in chaotic environments.

Cost-Effective Versatility for Streamlined Operations

DCE emphasizes the X3 UGV’s ability to deliver significant cost savings while streamlining military operations. Here’s how:

Reduced Need for Specialized Vehicles

As mentioned, the X3’s reconfigurable top deck allows it to handle a wide range of mission profiles, which translates to potentially needing fewer specialized vehicles for tasks like reconnaissance, decoy deployment, and communication support.

A single X3 can be adapted to fulfill these roles, reducing overall acquisition and maintenance costs.

Enhanced Logistics

The X3’s versatility simplifies logistics by eliminating the need to deploy and manage a fleet of specialized vehicles.

Troops can leverage the X3 for various tasks throughout a mission, reducing the logistical burden and complexity.

Increased Operational Efficiency

The X3’s compatibility with attachments like bulldozer blades expands its functionality in combat engineering tasks.

This translates to increased operational efficiency, allowing troops to complete tasks faster and with fewer resources.

Overall, the X3 UGV’s cost-effectiveness and adaptability streamline military operations by reducing complexity, lowering costs, and enhancing operational efficiency.

DCE UGV Trials
DCE UGV trials with the British Army back in 2020. (Image grab @DgtlConcepts_UK/X)

Built to Handle the Toughest Terrain

The X3 is built for the harshest environments.

Its low-latency control system allows maneuvering through challenging terrains like mountains and rubble-strewn urban areas.

With a payload capacity of 250 kilograms, it can carry essential equipment for extended deployments.

Its towing capacity of up to 3 tonnes (3,000 kilograms) allows it to haul additional supplies or even clear obstacles for advancing troops.

This mobility and carrying capacity combination makes the X3 a valuable asset in various deployment scenarios.

Operational Flexibility: Teleoperation or Autonomy

A significant feature for the military is the X3’s operational flexibility.

It can be operated remotely via teleoperation, keeping soldiers out of harm’s way during dangerous reconnaissance or explosive ordnance disposal missions.

Alternatively, the X3 can be programmed for autonomous missions using a robotic operating system interface.

This allows commanders to choose the optimal level of risk mitigation for each situation.

So, just imagine sending a swarm of X3 UGVs to scout enemy positions ahead of a main force advance, minimizing troop exposure.

Extended Deployments with Standby Mode

The X3’s standby mode extends its capabilities further.

This mode enables extended deployments in remote areas, with the UGV remaining dormant until activation for rapid response situations.

This is particularly valuable for border security or guarding critical infrastructure.

Troops can pre-position the X3s in strategic locations and activate them remotely when threats arise.

A Legacy of Innovation in Unmanned Vehicle Technology

DCE has a proven track record in unmanned vehicle technology.

Since its inception in 2017, DCE has been a leader in converting existing platforms for remote control. Their “Marionette” control system offers unmatched versatility, handling everything from basic movement to complex payloads.

With continued development in teleoperation speed, universal control interfaces, and alternative communication methods like satellite or mesh networks, DCE is poised to remain at the forefront of UGV technology, ensuring the X3 remains a valuable tool for modern warfare.

The X3 UGV represents a significant leap forward in military unmanned ground vehicles.

Its adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and operational flexibility have the potential to revolutionize how troops operate on the battlefield, increasing mission effectiveness while minimizing soldier risk.