If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a military spouse or know someone who is. Being married to someone in the military is a unique experience, filled with challenges and triumphs. 

One of those challenges might be spending some time apart, and for some, that means the opportunity to explore the world solo.


But wait a minute, solo travel? As a military spouse? You likely have some questions. Where do I even start? Is it safe? What about loneliness? 

In this guide, we’ll take a friendly stroll through everything you need to know about traveling on your own, whether it’s a weekend getaway or a global adventure. From planning the trip to navigating new places, and yes, even conquering that fear of dining alone in a restaurant, we’ll tackle it all.

Finding the Right Destination as a Military Spouse

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and go solo. The big question now is, where? 

As a military spouse, you might already have some destinations in mind. Consider places that excite you but also provide the safety and support you might seek. 

Research, ask for recommendations, or simply follow your wanderlust. The world is your oyster.

Planning Your Trip: The Military Spouse’s Roadmap

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. Planning a trip can feel like a massive task, but fear not. We’ve got a simple roadmap for you:

  • Research Transportation Options: Whether you’re renting a car, taking public transport, or planning to walk, know your options and make arrangements in advance.
  • Consider Travel Insurance: Accidents happen, and being safe is better than sorry. Look into travel insurance that fits your needs and destination.
  • Health Precautions: Check for any vaccinations or health advisories for your destination. Remember to pack any necessary medications.
  • Learn Basic Local Phrases: If you’re traveling to a place with a different language, learning some key phrases can be both fun and helpful.
  • Create an Emergency Contact List: Having a list of local emergency numbers and friends or family to contact can be a lifesaver.
  • Pack Smart Gadgets: Consider what tech might help you on your trip. Maybe a portable charger, travel adapter, or even a good old-fashioned map for off-the-grid adventures.
  • Consider Cultural Norms and Regulations: Research and respect local customs, clothing expectations, and laws to ensure a smooth and respectful visit.
  • Set Up Communication: Plan how to stay in touch with loved ones. Make sure you’re connected, whether it’s a local SIM card or a roaming plan.
  • Check Visa Requirements: If traveling internationally, understand the visa requirements and process well in advance.
  • Plan for Some “Me Time”: This is your solo adventure. Schedule some relaxation time or unplanned days just to explore and enjoy.

Packing Like a Pro

Packing can be a love-it or hate-it task. As a military spouse, you might already be a packing guru. If not, here are some quick tips:

  • Know Your Luggage Limits: First, ensure you’re familiar with any baggage restrictions for your airline or mode of transportation. Overpacking could lead to unnecessary fees, and underpacking might leave you without essentials.
  • Categorize Your Items: Think of packing as a fun puzzle. Categorize your items into clothing, toiletries, gadgets, and documents. This way, you can easily find what you need without turning your suitcase upside down.
  • The Mix-and-Match Wardrobe: As a military spouse, you probably know something about efficiency. Pack clothing to mix and match and create different outfits. A few key pieces can go a long way.
  • Essential Toiletries: Travel-sized toiletries are your best friends. You can either purchase them or fill reusable bottles with your favorite products. Don’t forget those little items like a toothbrush and razor.
  • Emergency Kit: Packaging a small emergency kit with band-aids, pain relievers, or personal medications is always wise. Better safe than sorry, right?
  • Tech and Entertainment: A good book, favorite playlist, or downloaded movies can be lifesavers during travel. And don’t forget the chargers.
  • Snack Attack: Pack a few of your favorite snacks for those moments when hunger strikes at the most inconvenient times. Traveling on an empty stomach is no fun.
  • Leave Some Space: Finally, leave a little room in your luggage for souvenirs, local finds, or even those fabulous shoes you might discover on your trip. After all, you never know what treasures you’ll find.

Exploring Safely and Confidently


Safety is a priority, especially when traveling alone. Here’s the military spouse’s guide to staying safe:

  • Keep friends or family in the loop about your plans.
  • Make copies of important documents.
  • Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

Embracing Solo Adventures and Overcoming Loneliness

The thought of traveling alone might bring up feelings of loneliness. But you have the resilience and spirit to turn solo travel into a self-discovery adventure. Here’s how:

  • Join group tours for shared experiences.
  • Use technology to stay connected with loved ones.
  • Embrace the joy of your own company; dine out, visit museums, or simply people-watch.

Connecting with Other Military Spouses on the Road

Guess what? You might not be the only military spouse with a passion for travel! Connect with others through online forums or local groups. Sharing stories and experiences with fellow military spouses can enrich the journey.

Returning Home: Cherishing the Memories

Coming home from your solo adventure will be filled with emotions. Reflect on what you’ve learned, the places you’ve seen, and the person you’ve become. 

Your experience as a military spouse enriched by solo travel is a beautiful chapter in your life’s book.