An early version of this article first appeared in SOFREP in late November 2016 as a feature written by British Army SAS veteran Phil Campion, who shared his insights as he reflected on the story of Task Force Taffy Three. Also known as Taffy 3, the task force unit was renowned for its heroic and valiant actions during the Battle of Samar in World War II. It has been augmented with additional information and updated for publication today.

At A Glance: Campion highlighted the heroic actions of Task Force Taffy Three during the Battle of Samar in World War II. He recalled the bravery and sacrifices displayed by the unit, despite being heavily outnumbered and outgunned. Moreover, he reflected on the importance of naval history and the need to prioritize defense spending to maintain a strong navy.

Campion also raises concerns about the state of the Royal Navy and emphasizes the necessity of a robust military to ensure national security. He calls for proper investment in the armed forces and urges the government to recognize the broader benefits that defense spending can bring, including technological innovation and skills development.

Heroic Stand of the U.S. Navy in the Battle of Leyte Gulf

U.S. Navy destroyers and destroyer escorts laying a smoke screen during the Battle of Samar. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The legendary Task Force Taffy Three was a U.S. naval unit that played a pivotal role in the Battle of Leyte Gulf during World War II. It comprised a small group of six escort carriers, three destroyers, and four destroyer escorts.

The battle was reminiscent of how David encountered and defied the odds, defeating the giant Goliath.

With only a handful of lightly armed escort carriers and support vessels, they were suddenly confronted by the mighty Japanese fleet, including battleships, cruisers, and destroyers. Nevertheless, the American naval fleet displayed extraordinary bravery and resourcefulness in defending its landing forces in Leyte.

The defining moment for Taffy 3 eventually came during the desperate Battle of Samar. With the Japanese battleships closing in, the American escort carriers and their escorting destroyers had to face a daunting choice: retreat and leave the landing forces at Leyte vulnerable or stand their ground and fight against overwhelming odds. Opting for the latter, they launched a gallant charge, bravely engaging the enemy battleships at point-blank range. Thanks to ingenious tactics, audacity, and sheer grit, the valiant task force was able to unleash a relentless assault on the superior Japanese fleet. That, despite being outmatched in firepower, they executed daring maneuvers, launched torpedoes, and fired salvos with a ferocity that astonished their adversaries. And their desperate struggle didn’t go in vain, as it bought precious time for the Allied forces and forced the Japanese fleet to divert its attention, ultimately altering the course of the battle.

Unconventional Tactics

One interesting fact to highlight is that Task Force Taffy Three, despite its limited firepower, utilized unconventional tactics during the Battle of Samar. In a desperate attempt to fend off the approaching Japanese battleships, the American escort carriers and their accompanying destroyers executed daring maneuvers known as “The Mosquito Fleet Dance.” This tactical maneuver involved quick, erratic movements and coordinated attacks from different directions, confusing and disorienting the enemy. By employing this unorthodox strategy, Task Force Taffy Three was able to disrupt the enemy’s formation and create chaos amidst the superior Japanese fleet. This unexpected and audacious approach showcases the ingenuity and adaptability of the American naval forces, further emphasizing the heroic nature of their stand against overwhelming odds.

Reflections on the Importance of Defense Spending

Task Force Taffy Three’s story is truly one of extraordinary bravery and valor in the face of overwhelming odds. However, in his reflections, Campion highlighted his concerns about the “cutbacks and neglect” of the Royal Navy at that time. At the time of his writing, Campion had been following the parliamentary inquiry discussing the “pathetically low” number of ships of the RN, which was the worst in the history of the service. He thought:

Is this what we’ll be reduced to if the balloon goes up against the mighty Chinese or Russian navies—sailing into battle out-manned and outgunned—going down fighting just like the brave men in Task Force Taffy 3?

Campion went on to emphasize the importance of defense spending and the government’s role in protecting its citizens’ safety. Furthermore, he counters the argument that defense spending should be reduced during an economic crisis, asserting that strong armed forces are necessary for security in a dangerous and unstable world.

(Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

And while Campion acknowledges his bias as a Special Forces (SF) operator, stating that the needs of the Army are their priority, he, nevertheless, recognized the significance of a strong Navy and considered it a logical and obvious requirement. He wrapped up by calling for increased investment in defense to protect sensitive installations and ensure the country’s military strength and reputation.

So instead of having to sit and listen to the embarrassment of having our [once-great] Navy reduced to the [laughingstock] of the world, let’s get our act together and start investing properly; before it’s too late.

Learning Lessons from the Past

While the Royal Navy has faced a decline in the 21st century, it remains one of the world’s formidable naval forces, ranking behind the U.S. Navy, Russia, and China. Despite operating on a smaller scale than its historical self, the Royal Navy maintains a capable and diverse fleet of surface ships, submarines, and aircraft. Its backbone is formed by the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers, which are the largest warships ever built for the Royal Navy.

However, like many modern naval forces, the Royal Navy encounters challenges adapting to evolving threats and budgetary constraints. It recognizes the importance of staying at the forefront of technological advancements and investing in cutting-edge capabilities such as autonomous systems, cyber defense, and information warfare to address emerging maritime security challenges. By modernizing its capabilities, the Royal Navy aims to maintain its effectiveness in safeguarding national interests and contributing to international maritime security.