So, you’ve said goodbye to all of your friends, turned in your gear, and have that ever-so-valuable DD-214 in hand. You’re no longer a soldier, and you are now living in post-military deployment world. You’ve had that uniform, lived that disciplined life, been deployed to who-knows-where, and seen things most people can’t even imagine. You’ve been a part of something bigger than yourself, something grand, something that truly matters. 

And now, just like that, it’s over. You’ve returned home, and things are different. It’s like walking into a familiar room where somebody rearranged all of the furniture. Still, everything seems so normal. Too normal. Where is the chaos?

But it’s okay – it’s just a new mission, challenge, and adaptation. Just like you learned how to be a soldier, now it’s time to learn how to be a civilian again.

But where do you even begin? How do you go from the rigors and routine of military life to the apparent ease and freedom of civilian living? It can feel overwhelming. 

Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many before you have walked this path and successfully transitioned back to civilian life.

In this guide, we’ll cover exactly that. We will talk about adjusting to life post-military deployment, what you might expect, how to handle it, and some strategies to help you along the way. 

Handling Life Post-Military Deployment

Walking into that familiar but rearranged room shouldn’t always be a daunting experience. With the right strategies, you can make that transition as smooth as possible, and it may even feel like you didn’t leave. 

High Fiving Your Old Tribe

Let’s start with the “getting back with your peeps” thing. These are your family, friends, and people you used to have pizza and beers with on a Friday night. 

You’re probably picturing those warm hugs, hearty laughs, and the “remember when…” stories. But when you show up, it might feel like you’ve walked into an episode of Friends where everyone speaks Klingon.

Don’t fret. Just remember, it’s a two-way street. They need to understand your journey, and you need to understand theirs. Give yourself time. Just like you wouldn’t learn a new language overnight, allow yourself some leeway to return to the social swing.

Discovering Civilian Superpowers

Life post-military deployment might feel like stepping into a superhero comic as the only person without superpowers. People juggle jobs, families, pets, hobbies, and gym routines and still find time to post about it on Instagram.

It might initially feel overwhelming, but remember; you’ve got your superpowers – discipline, organization, and resilience. Put them to good use. 

Maybe you’ll become the ‘meal prep king,’ whipping up a week’s worth of meals on Sundays, or the fitness guru,’ turning your military workout routine into a local boot camp. Use your unique skills to find your niche in civilian life.

Navigating the Corporate Maze

Walking into a job interview can feel like heading into a jungle without a map. What do you do with your hands? Why is everyone obsessed with LinkedIn? And how on Earth do you explain ‘field stripping an M16’ in a way relevant to an office job?

First things first, remember that your military skills are valuable. You’ve had more responsibility on your shoulders than most people your age.  Lots more. 

So, take your experiences – whether that’s ‘coordinating logistics for an entire battalion’ or ‘diffusing a heated argument between two squad members’ – and show how they make you a problem-solver, a team player, or a leader. 

There are plenty of job coaches, resources, and fellow veterans to help you translate military speak into corporate lingo.

Strumming the Strings of Emotion

Let’s not shy away from the tough stuff. We need to talk about the emotional guitar solo that might hit you. 

Feeling stressed, anxious, or battling with PTSD can be like trying to play a song when you don’t know the chords.

There’s no shame in needing a therapist; counselors and mental health professionals are there to guide you. You may find comfort in art therapy, pouring your feelings into a canvas

Maybe you find relief in pounding the pavement every morning, letting each step pound out the stress. Don’t hesitate to reach out, and remember, taking care of your mental health is as badass as bench pressing your body weight.

Joining the Vets’ Club

Last but not least, you’re not alone in this. You’re joining a rather exclusive club at that – veterans. These folks know the drill, the ups, the downs, the loop-de-loops.

Veterans’ groups can be like the best kind of reunion – the ones where everyone understands your stories, jokes, and hardships. 

So, whether you’re joining a local vets’ hiking group or mentoring young folks about the realities of military life, remember, you’re part of a community.

The Key to Adjusting to Life Post-Military Deployment

Like any change in life, transitioning from military to civilian life is like learning a new dance. You may step on some toes or miss a beat here and there. But once you get the rhythm, you’ll dance like no one’s watching.

You’ve got your discipline, resilience, and an entire arsenal of skills you’re bringing from the battlefield to the home front. Take it one day at a time, don’t hesitate to ask for help, and keep your eyes on the prize. You’re a warfighter, after all – adapting to new environments is your jam.

So, welcome back to the civilian world. It might sometimes seem like a different planet, but you’ll rock it. Just remember to take it easy, stay open-minded, and have a bit of fun along the way. After all, life’s one big adventure, right?