Now entering its fourth month, the war has been nothing but absolutely devastating for both sides. With the Russian forces shelling the Ukrainian forces since the beginning of the invasion, it’s not uncommon to see them running out of military equipment and munitions. In what is largely seen as a crowdfunded war, Russia unveiled its new crowdfunded aid for a fighter jet squadron featuring equipment that you can buy at your local hardware, mall, or online shop.

Crowdfunding is something we have seen from both sides of the war. It started off initially with the Ukrainians, with their citizens and much of the international community pitching in to buy them basic military equipment. When the war dragged on, the crowdfunding became more intricate with campaigns to buy the Ukrainian fighter jets and, most recently, a Lithuanian-led crowdfunding campaign to buy Ukrainian forces Bayraktar-TB2 drones, which have since become revered weapons in Ukraine due to their effectiveness against Russian forces.

The Turkish company Baykar Tech, which manufactures the drones, has recently refused the crowdfunded money from the Lithuanians and decided it would give the drone for free.

“The people of Lithuania have honorably raised funds to buy a Bayraktar TB2 for Ukraine,” Baykar said in a statement on Twitter.

“Upon learning this, Baykar will gift a Bayraktar TB2 to Lithuania free of charge and asks those funds go to Ukraine for humanitarian aid.”