House Armed Services Committee officials will hold a public hearing on the California National Guard bonus scandal when they return to Capitol Hill after Thanksgiving break.

The hearing, scheduled for Dec. 7, will include testimony from Army Maj. Gen. David Baldwin, adjutant general of California, and other officials involved in the controversial recoupment of decade-old bonuses from guard members and veterans, according to a committee aide.

The hearing was first reported by The Hill on Friday.

Last month, lawmakers reacted with outrage after a Los Angeles Times investigation uncovered nearly 10,000 current and former soldiers who had thousands of dollars in enlistment bonuses revoked, leaving some individuals facing significant financial hardships.

The move came due to reports of rampant fraud and abuse of the bonus system among state Guard officials in the mid-2000s, although only a portion of the individuals ordered to repay money were accused of wrongdoing.

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Image courtesy of California National Guard