On Thursday night, the American government released more than 2,800 documents pertaining to the 1963 assassination of American President John F. Kennedy.  These documents, which had been classified for the past 54 years, held the promise of revealing long withheld secrets about what served as perhaps the most historic American tragedy of the modern era until the terror attacks of 2001.  Conspiracy theorists and history buffs alike, as well as those of us that may fall somewhere in between, crowded around computers, tablets and smart phones, eager to be among the first to set eyes on these documents long thought to be of such import, they had to be kept from the American public.

Of course, by the time you read this article, it will be clear that, for the most part, the historic JFK document dump of 2017 wasn’t quite as historic as many would have hoped.  That could be because, despite keeping many details under wraps, the evidence mostly supports the commonly accepted narrative associated with Kennedy’s death, but not to worry conspiracy theorists, there’s still hope.  Although President Trump touted the release as something he was permitting (it had been scheduled to occur for around 25 years) at the last moment, his administration yielded to pressure from intelligence agencies and chose to keep some 300 documents classified, pending another six-month review.  Apparently, 54 years just wasn’t enough time to get it all redacted.

Although no mind-blowing revelations surfaced in the Thursday night release (thus far), there were still plenty of interesting tidbits.  Some witness testimony supported the idea of a second shooter, for instance, and although many Americans believed the Soviets were responsible for the shooting, the documents reveal that the Soviets themselves believed it to be the result a massive right-wing conspiracy… or maybe even LBJ himself.

Believe it or not, a lot of it just gets weirder from there.  Here are the five most interesting things SOFREP found while digging through Thursday night’s document dump so far:

The Soviets believed the assassination was part of an “ultraright” coup attempt.

In this memo from J. Edgar Hoover to Marvin Watson, special assistant to the president, the idea of Soviet involvement in the assassination does not seem to be of any concern to American officials, who recognized that the Soviets feared reprisal from American defense officials.  According to the FBI’s sources, the Soviet government perceived Kennedy as a man who was interested in maintaining peace, and they lamented his loss.  A number of Soviet sources also discounted the idea that Oswald had ties to the Soviet government.